Global Links May 2020

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MAY 2020
“I believe that we can overcome this storm together, especially when we have Christ with us in the vessel.”
— Bishop Terry Kee, Lutheran Church in Singapore

The Rev. Terry Kee, bishop of the Lutheran Church in Singapore and president of the National Council of Churches of Singapore, has released a message on the COVID-19 pandemic to the Singapore church. Many of his teachings are applicable to the body of Christ around the world as we face this crisis together. Bishop Kee encourages the church to give thanks, be socially responsible, stay close to God, be united in prayer, respond in love and find hope in Christ. Watch the video above or read his message here.

Addressing anti-Asian racism and white supremacy
“But speaking the truth in love, we must grow up in every way into him who is the head, into Christ” (Ephesians 4:15).

May is Asian and Pacific Islander American Heritage Month. In the wake of rising anti-Asian racism in the United States, the Rev. Rafael Malpica Padilla, executive director for Global Mission, offered this teaching: “Scapegoating is not a Christian virtue. In the community of Jesus we don’t blame one another. We speak ‘the truth in love,’ always seeking to understand the other, to build relationships of trust and to live together as Jesus taught us. Amid this COVID-19 pandemic we come together to lend a hand to the neighbor in need, those close to us and the ones far away. Together the human global family works to find a vaccine and to support those who are experiencing undue hardships and suffering. No one is responsible for the emergence of this virus. All of us are responsible for fighting it.”

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth A. Eaton recently issued a pastoral message on COVID-19 racism and white supremacy, which you can read here. This week she wrote on Twitter, “We mourn the killing of #GeorgeFloyd. We join with his family and the Minneapolis community in calling for justice."

Watch this video overview of YAGM Rwanda
This upcoming year, due to the pandemic, the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program will not be sending volunteers for the first time in its history. In the meantime, YAGM country coordinators continue to work with our global companions. The Rev. Janelle Neubauer, YAGM Rwanda country coordinator, recently created a video overview in collaboration with the leadership of the Lutheran Church of Rwanda. Watch the video here.

Global Companion Prayer Service
Our world has been shaken by the COVID-19 pandemic. Everyone, everywhere, is impacted. There are lockdowns and shelter-at-home policies in many countries. People are showing signs of anxiety and distress. To whom do we turn? The Global Companion Prayer Service will intervene. Together with our companions, we will call for God’s hope, comfort and solace through these long and difficult days. Join one or all five prayer services this Pentecost Sunday, May 31. See the scheduled times here.

International Women Leaders Endowment Fund
An endowment fund was recently launched to ensure the sustainability of our new and important ministry: International Women Leaders. We are excited about this new opportunity to invest in women’s education alongside our global companions. To donate to the fund, visit the Global Mission donation page and select “International Women Leaders Endowment Fund” from the drop-down menu.

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