
ELCA introduces refreshed brandmark
All organizations identify themselves through their branding, and our church is no exception. From time to time, this brand has been updated, and we are pleased to offer a refreshed suite of ELCA brandmarks. With updated colors, fonts and layouts, these offer more flexibility for digital and print communications. The churchwide organization is gradually implementing this change through the upcoming months.
We will continue to support co-branding opportunities for synods, congregations and ministries. Because this is a refresh versus a rebranding, you may continue to use up current printed materials. When it comes time to reprint or replace resources, then the refreshed brandmark should be used. The updated brandmark can be implemented as soon as your time allows on digital assets such as websites, social media icons and resources.Learn more and download files.
Living Lutheran: "The Virtual Church?"
"Bounce around the internet for a while and you'll catch wind of how virtual reality experiences, such as those sought in the metaverse, are supposed to change the world—and soon," writes Stephanie N. Grimoldby in the Living Lutheran November lead feature. "Pre-COVID-19, these conversations might not have meant much to congregations. But since the outbreak of the pandemic, which forced nearly all congregations to close their doors at some point and made ‘going digital’ one of the only ways to connect with congregants, conversations about the digital future have taken on new meaning for the church."
Read more about the ways some congregations have already begun embracing virtual church, the ways that digital church and in-person worship can go hand in hand, and some of the dreams Lutherans have for the future — and download the study guide.
ELCA Youth Gathering announces theme, new event
We're excited to announce the theme for the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering is "Created to Be," centered on Psalm 139:14 — "I praise you, for I am fearfully and wonderfully made. Wonderful are your works; that I know very well." During the Gathering, young people will explore how we are created to be brave, authentic, free, disruptive disciples. To incorporate our pre-events — the Multicultural Youth Leadership Event (MYLE) and the tAble — into the overall Gathering more intentionally, both events will share the "Created to Be" theme. The brand-new Young Adult Gathering, to take place concurrent with the ELCA Youth Gathering, will share the theme as well.
Created to Be | 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering
During the summer of 2024, the ELCA Youth Gathering, MYLE, the tAble and the Young Adult Gathering will center on the theme of "Created to Be," which comes from Psalm 139.




ELCA Good Gifts Congregational Resources
ELCA Good Gifts is your opportunity to provide critical support to the ministries and programs that mean the most to you and the people you love. A variety of free resources are available to help you share ELCA Good Gifts with friends and members of your congregation.
NEW! ELCA World Hunger Advent Resources
These new seasonal materials will start in Advent and continue in Lent 2023 with the same theme, "A Journey Through the Psalms With ELCA World Hunger." In Psalms we will find the pleas of a people — our spiritual ancestors — for renewal and transformation, justice and peace, hope and comfort.
LifeLines Fall 2022
The fall 2022 issue of the “LifeLines” newsletter offers stories of how your gifts to ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response help communities and families in the U.S. and around the world.
These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.
Public response period: Social message on climate care
A draft of the ELCA's forthcoming social message on climate change and how we are called to respond has been posted, and the public comment period is open through Friday, Dec. 2. This project was authorized in light of the grim contemporary situation affecting our global home and the need for fresh action on the part of this church. The draft will be edited in response to your feedback and brought to the ELCA Church Council for a vote this spring. Read the draft and provide your input at ELCA.org/ClimateCare.
Rostered ministers — participate in PRRI survey on U.S. religious leadership
Public Religion Research Institute (PRRI) and the Duke Endowment are conducting a major national study on the health and future flourishing of mainline Protestant clergy and churches. ELCA pastors and deacons currently serving congregations are invited to participate. PRRI conducted a similar survey about a decade ago and recently completed the congregational portion. The current study seeks to understand attitudes and experiences across a wide swath of American religious leadership. We can all gain a more complete picture of religious life in America if the ELCA's data is included with that of other Protestant denominations. Take the survey.
Christians Against Christian Nationalism
Christian Nationalism identifies human-made governments as lockstep with God’s will and seeks to privilege Christians, typically only white Christians. This type of ideology is not only dangerous but distorts the difference between holding government accountable to God as opposed to identified strictly with God’s will. Watch Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton’s video message against Christian Nationalism here.
We must stand against Christian Nationalism and ask that you join us in signing the petition by visiting www.christiansagainstchristiannationalism.org/ — and find shareable graphics on the ELCA Facebook page to share your stance.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023
The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 is “Do Good; Seek Justice” (Isaiah 1:17). The theme was chosen, and the materials prepared, by the Minnesota Council of Churches. Resources including posters, bulletin covers and daily Scripture and prayer guides can be ordered from the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute. You can also access a detailed resource to aid preparations published jointly by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Commission on Faith and Order of the World Council of Churches.

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