Worship Jan 2022

Resources and Events

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January 2022


The first months of 2022 offer a slightly extended Time after Epiphany with Easter falling later in the calendar. Extra time between the end of the Christmas season and the beginning of Lent may be welcome as we continue to navigate the ongoing pandemic.

The ELCA churchwide organization Worship staff also look to this new year with some excitement as we work with many others on planning for worship at the Churchwide Assembly. We continue to celebrate how All Creation Sings is received and introduced throughout the church.

As we continue to navigate challenges, I pray that you will continue to find opportunity and blessing in planning, leading, and participating in worship.

God of grace, you have given us minds to know you, hearts to love you, and voices to sing your praise. Fill us with your Spirit, that we may celebrate your glory and worship you in spirit and truth, through Jesus Christ, our Savior and Lord. Amen. (ELW, p. 72)

In peace,
Deacon John E. Weit
Executive for Worship

All Creation Sings

The All Creation Sings family of resources is available for purchase from Augsburg Fortress. This includes the Pew Edition, Leaders Edition and Accompaniment Edition. Also available are the Guitar Guitar Accompaniment Edition, Pew Edition eBook, Ensemble Setting of Holy Communion (Setting 12), and Enlarged Print Edition.

To further support your learning and use of All Creation Sings, visit the All Creation Sings webpage. You will find teaching materials including reproducible graphics, videos of hymns and songs, audio recordings of all the liturgical music in settings 11 and 12, webinar video recordings and over a dozen blog posts.

As you look ahead to worship in Lent, the ceremonial binder is now available in purple.

Frequently Asked Questions

Several new or revised FAQs are available:
“How Is Language Used in Worship?” addresses language more generally.

“What Is Meant by Inclusive and Expansive Language in Worship?” focuses on more specific questions.

“Can We Alter the Language of Hymns and Songs?” brings our awareness to the various factors at play when considering the words we sing.

“How Do We Craft the Prayers of Intercession?” provides background and other helpful information to assist congregations as they prepare prayers for worship each week.
congregational song
Resources for Land Acknowledgement

The ELCA American Indian Alaska Native Tribal Nations desk has provided a helpful guide to practicing land acknowledgments. It includes examples of statements that you can speak at the beginning of every worship service, print at the top of worship bulletins, use to create outdoor signage and more. Including such acknowledgments follows our commitment as a church as part of “A Declaration of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America to American Indian and Alaska Native People.”

Guidance for Safe Worship Practices

“Care-filled Worship and Sacramental Life in a Lingering Pandemic” includes comprehensive guidance on decision-making and basic practices of Christian worship and congregational life from the Consultation on Ecumenical Protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacramental Practices. Also available in Spanish. The ELCA has been a partner in this consultation throughout the pandemic. Visit the consultation’s public Facebook page for any updates and seasonal guidance.

Worship Resources

Resources and Events

2022 ALCM Summer Conference
Valparaiso University
July 18-21, 2022

“From Generation to Generation” is a continuing education conference for church musicians and worship leaders, held in conjunction with the 2022 Lutheran Summer Music Academy and Festival. It will feature, from Leipzig, Germany, the vocal ensemble Calmus, who will perform an all J.S. Bach concert and sing other choral music during worship. Also participating: the vocal ensemble Cantus and organist Martin Jean.
Institute of Liturgical Studies
“Kyrie and Gloria in Liturgy and Life”
April 25-27, 2022

Discounted early registration is still available for the next gathering of the Institute of Liturgical Studies, from April 25–27, 2022, on the campus of Valparaiso University. Under the theme “Kyrie and Gloria in Liturgy and Life,” this year’s plenaries, seminars, workshops, and liturgies will explore: liturgy, music and preaching in the midst of traumas, tensions, and trials; the nature and meaning of assembly; and creative opportunities that emerge during crisis and uncertainty. For more information or to register, visit. Discounted registration ends on January 31.

Worship resources from Augsburg Fortress

Oct Product 1
The Music Sourcebook and Worship Guidebook for Lent
Sept Product 1
Register Now
Oct Product 2
Love and Faithfulness:
A Marriage Planning Handbook
Oct Product 4
Proclaiming the Living Word:
A Handbook for
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