How the “September Testament” inspired uprising and social change

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October banner
Martin Luther

Living Lutheran: “500 Years of God’s Word in Common Language”

In 1522, Martin Luther, who believed that all people should have access to the word of God, finished translating the New Testament into the German language. Living Lutheran’s October lead feature tells the story of Martin Luther’s groundbreaking translation and its significance both historically and present-day.

J.R. Jones writes, "Luther’s 'September Testament,' in addition to being hailed as a great work of German literature, was also one of the most consequential publications in world history. It defined the Lutheran faith as one devoted to the authority of Scripture. Within three years it fueled the greatest mass uprising Europe had ever seen." Read more, and download the study guide.

Public response period: Social message on climate care

A draft of the ELCA’s forthcoming social message on climate change and how we are called to respond has been posted, and the public comment period is open through Friday, Dec. 2. This project was authorized in light of the grim contemporary situation affecting our global home and the need for fresh action on the part of this church. The draft will be edited in response to your feedback and brought to the ELCA Church Council for a vote this spring.

Read the draft and provide your input.

climate care
young adults in global mission

Young Adults in Global Mission resumes

After a two-year pause, the Young Adults in Global Mission (YAGM) program is sending volunteers out into the world again. The program invites young adults aged 21-29 into a transformative, yearlong journey in international service. Watch an update about some of the ways the YAGM team is bringing the program up to date and making it more welcoming for everyone. YAGM is ready for you! Submit your application beginning Nov. 1. Applications close on Feb. 1, 2023, with priority given to those who apply before Jan. 15, 2023.

Learn more and apply soon.



Pursuing justice and food security in Brazil | ELCA World Hunger

Fundação Luterana de Diaconia (FLD), a partner of ELCA World Hunger, administers the CAPA project (a Spanish acronym for Center for the Support and Promotion of Agroecology). CAPA accompanies people living in Brazil’s Quilombola communities to work toward gender and racial justice, food security and sustainable livelihoods.

Seeds Video


COVID-19 Emergency Grants
Application deadline

Young Adults in Global Mission
Applications open

Scholarship Recipient Meet and Greet
International Women Leaders

Rostered Ministers Gathering
Rekindle the gift within you!



Resource 1

Resource 2


Worship Resources for a National Election

The readings, prayers and assembly song suggestions in this resource can be used in weekly worship, prayer vigils and more to assist congregations in this time surrounding a national election.


“Preaching and Teaching ‘With Love and Respect for the Jewish People’”

This new resource explores
challenging topics, lectionary
selections and Bible passages to
inform Christian preaching and
teaching so that they respect the
integrity of the Jewish tradition
and avoid anti-Jewish
interpretations of New
Testament texts.


NEW! ELCA World Hunger Advent Resources

These new seasonal materials will start in Advent and continue through Lent 2023 under the theme "A Journey Through the Psalms With ELCA World Hunger." In Psalms we will find the pleas of a people — our spiritual ancestors — for renewal and transformation, justice and peace, hope and comfort.




These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.

International Women Leaders: Scholarship Recipient Meet and Greet

The Leadership Circle of the ELCA invites you to join an evening of meaningful engagement with new and current International Women Leaders (IWL) scholarship recipients on Thursday, Nov. 3, at 7 p.m. Central time. Students will engage in a Q&A with attendees, telling their stories and the highlights of their experiences as IWL scholars. Register for the event.

New ELCA Young Adult Gathering

The ELCA Youth Gathering and Young Adult Ministries are excited to announce the first-ever Young Adult Gathering, taking place in New Orleans during the 2024 Gathering from July 16 to 20. With the cancellation of the 2022 ELCA Youth Gathering, MYLE and the tAble, many young people were not able to participate in these life-changing faith-formation events, which prompted the Gathering to think creatively about how these now-young-adults can be involved. Be sure to check Gathering communications on Oct. 24 to hear what theme the Gathering, MYLE, the tAble and the new Young Adult Gathering will gather under in 2024. Find event details at

Families Celebrate – Augsburg Fortress

Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas” is a colorful deck of cards full of rituals, prayers and reflections. Endlessly flexible for busy schedules, the cards can foster a new after-meal ritual, serve as decorations or be carried on the go. Explore the entire season from Advent to Christmas and through Epiphany. These make a great gift for families in your congregation!

A free promotional pack is available to help you best use “Families Celebrate Advent & Christmas” in your congregation or small groups. This pack includes postcards, labels to edit and put on card packs, and more. Buy 15 decks and get a free Advent calendar with the promo code FREECALENDAR.

Grow the church while growing your savings with the Mission Investment Fund

Here’s a special opportunity just for ELCA members and ministries: Invest with the Mission Investment Fund and earn as high as 3.85% APY.* That’s not even the best part. In addition to earning a great return, your investment will fund loans to ELCA congregations and ministries, expanding their capacity for service. Whether that means building or renovating a sanctuary, soup kitchen, day care center or other facility, one thing is for sure: you're helping share God’s love with the world.

*APY = Annual Percentage Yield. Rates effective October 1, 2022, and subject to change without notice. Mission Investment Fund investments are subject to certain risks. See "Risk Factors" in MIF's Offering Circular. MIF's investments are not bank accounts. As securities issued by a nonprofit institution, the investments are not insured by FDIC, SIPC or any other federal or state regulatory agency. The securities are sold only by means of the Offering Circular. This is not an offer to sell or a solicitation of an offer to buy the securities described here.


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