Worship June 2021

Resources and Events

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June 2021

Dear partners in ministry,

We are nearly at the midpoint of this calendar year. Today, we in the Northern Hemisphere mark the first day of summer. On Thursday the church celebrates John the Baptist, six months before we celebrate the birth of Jesus, as has been the custom since the fourth century and in line with the story as found in Luke’s Gospel.

After many months of living in a pandemic, when at times it seemed as if time stood still, we are seeing things move in a positive direction thanks to vaccines. As we begin to return to in-person activities, including worship, we know that we have much to do to keep everyone safe, especially the most vulnerable among us. Below you can learn about updated guidance from the consultation on Ecumenical Protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacramental Practices.

We give thanks to God for the gift of science that helps us each day and pray for continued healing, justice, and peace.

Time, like an ever-rolling stream, bears all our years away;
they fly forgotten, as a dream dies at the op'ning day.

O God, our help in ages past, our hope for years to come,
still be our guard while troubles last and our eternal home.

—“O God, Our Help in Ages Past” (ELW 632), Isaac Watts, alt.

In peace,
Deacon John E. Weit
Executive for Worship

Brief Descriptions for ACS Assembly Song
Brief descriptions of the 200 assembly songs in ACS are now available with a Sundays and Seasons subscription. These give context to the hymn or song through biographical background, lectionary or Scripture connections, or usage suggestions. For more information, see this Augsburg Fortress blog post.

Visit the All Creation Sings website to learn more and place an order. You can view videos of recent webinars and selected hymns and songs, access introductory helps, and read several blog posts about this resource.

Updated Guidance for Safe Worship Practices

“Care-filled Worship and Sacramental Life in a Lingering Pandemic” is a comprehensive update from the consultation on Ecumenical Protocols for Worship, Fellowship, and Sacramental Practices. Incorporating the latest CDC guidance, this update informs decision making and basic practices of Christian worship and congregational life. The ELCA has been a partner in this consultation throughout the pandemic.

Worship Resources
Lesser Festivals

Evangelical Lutheran Worship lists several lesser festivals as part of the church year calendar. Prayers of intercession specific to these days are now available to SundaysandSeasons.com subscribers, both in the library and through the planner. To learn more about when and how you might observe a lesser festival, please consult the FAQ “What is a lesser festival?”

Worship Resources
Copyright Helps for Worship

Augsburg Fortress offers updated guidance on copyright and permissions for reprinting, displaying and streaming texts and music for worship. Learn about different licenses for different situations, and what is and is not covered, with a subscription to SundaysandSeasons.com.

Worship Resources
Worship Resources at ELCA.org

When it is possible for worshiping communities to gather safely in person, you may desire a rite for regathering. "Worship Resource for Re-Gathering" is available in both PDF and Word formats. You are invited to adapt as needed for your context.

Several Thanksgiving for the Word prayers for Easter and the Time after Pentecost are available in PDF and Word formats.
Worship Resources
Worship resources for “God’s Work. Our Hands.” Sunday

Considerations for preaching, prayers, and hymn suggestions for use on Sunday, Sept. 12, the ELCA’s annual day of service, are available in PDF and Word formats.

Worship Resources

Worship in the Home
Worship in the Home” is available weekly on the ELCA Worship blog. You are encouraged to worship as you are able in homes on Sunday and throughout the week. If you don’t have Evangelical Lutheran Worship at home, a copy can be purchased through Augsburg Fortress’ web store, or perhaps your church might set up a lending library for home use. In addition to Sunday worship resources, resources for Daily Prayer are available, including simplified forms of Morning Prayer, Evening Prayer, and Night Prayer as well as table prayers.


Resources and Events

ALCM 2021 Webinar Series

“Advent Folk Mass”
June 25 at 2 p.m. (Eastern time)

Linda Borecki, editor of In Tempo and director of worship at Christ the Vine Lutheran Church in Damascus, Ore., provides information and tips about creating an Advent folk mass for your congregation.

“Orgelkids: Build a Real Pipe Organ (In 45 Minutes)”
July 16 at 2 p.m. (Eastern time)

Vincent Ryan of Advent Lutheran Church in Harleysville, Pa., talks about Orgelkids USA, a small, fully functional instrument designed to teach how a pipe organ works. Great for adults and kids!

Learn more about these webinars and register.
“Disruption & Grace: Learning Edges in Liminal Times”
Canadian-Anglican Lutheran National Worship Conference July 6-7

Those involved in worship and music in our churches and ministries are invited to listen, reflect, and talk thoughtfully together about the significant disruption and grace we have all experienced during this pandemic and to glean new learnings and possibilities together.

The online conference is now open for registration. For more information and to register, visit www.nationalworshipconference.org.
congregational song
Sacred Music Conference Claremont United Church of Christ
Claremont, Calif. Aug. 16-19

Celebrate and reflect on the transition from the pandemic to a new normal. The event will feature a gospel music workshop and worship service led by Alexandra Taylor.

For questions and registration, contact Dr. Jonathan Campbell.
congregational song
Augsburg Fortress Music Clinic
July 28-29

Join clinicians Anton Armstrong and John Ferguson as they present new seasonal music, host a hymn festival, lead workshops and more!

Register for this free virtual Summer Music Clinic today!

You may still view the 2020 clinic, with John Ferguson and Chris Aspaas.
congregational song

Worship resources from Augsburg Fortress

June Product 1
Sundays and Seasons,
Year C resources
June Product 2
Lutheran Welcome
Combo Pack
June Product 3
Christ in
Our Home
June Product 4
“God's Work,
Our Hands”
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