Gnews November 2022

We're so excited to explore Psalm 139!

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Why "Created to Be"?

Get a glimpse of how the theme "Created to Be" was discerned in the latest blog post from Deacon Tammy Jones West, director of the 2024 ELCA Youth Gathering. Be sure to subscribe to learn more about the ministry of the Gathering, MYLE and the tAble as well as to hear stories about New Orleans and our planning.
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Take a glance at our website!

Key dates, Frequently Asked Questions and registration information can all be found on our updated website! Be sure to check frequently: more information will be added as our planning continues.
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Some things are meant to be a secret—like where to find the best beignet spot in New Orleans—but Gathering updates are worth sharing about. Invite your friends and colleagues to sign up for the gNews to learn more about the ministry of the Gathering, MYLE, the tAble and the Young Adult Gathering. You'll be the first to read important updates from the Gathering office.

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