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We've raised: $130,053.00

An online benefit for ELCA World Hunger

As a church, we remain focused on supporting our neighbors near and far as the pandemic continues disrupting and impacting lives. No one is better positioned or more experienced than the church in addressing hunger, from meeting immediate needs to finding long-term solutions. We are ready, able, effective and efficient. Together, we are a people of hope.

What your gifts can do
Your gifts can change the lives of your siblings struggling with hunger and poverty around the world.

  • $25,000 can support a vocational training program.
  • $5,000 can provide farmers with training, seeds and tools.
  • $2,500 can provide a simple water well.
  • $715 can fund a family farm.
  • $300 can provide nutrition for a child for one year.
  • $125 can provide a microloan for a woman.
  • $75 can stock a health clinic for a week.
  • $30 can provide vaccinations for a child.

We are called by God to share hope in this time of challenge. Join us to face this global hunger crisis head-on and to continue moving toward a just world where all are fed.

If you prefer to give by phone, please call 800-638-3522.