We look forward to gathering for our three-day Virtual Fall Retreat, a time to rest, restore, and to give and return thanks. Together, we'll experience participatory learning and singing, sharing music from a variety of traditions, and reflecting on leadership practices useful in a range of contexts, virtually and in-person, from devotional spaces to choir rehearsal to protest and movement spaces.

In this co-learning space, we'll explore what this change of seasons, in this changing world, asks of us, noticing the way our bodies and voices are present when we learn through thoughtful modeling and generous invitation.


We'll begin and end each day by awakening our voices and spirits in song. We'll burrow into Core Sessions led by MMC presenters and guests. And in the afternoons, we'll use an Open Source model to center the questions, needs, and dreams of the group. You are welcome to opt in or out as your schedule, focus, and/or time zone require.

Here's the daily schedule:
  • Morning Singing/Centering and Fellowship (8:00-9:00 a.m. EDT; a second offering at the same time MDT)
  • Core Sessions - large-group learning time (1:00-2:30 pm EDT) 
  • Afternoon Open Source Conversations - we'll invite the burning questions, curiosity, and interests of the group to shape mid-afternoon learning, singing, and conversations spaces (Times TBD)
  • Evening Singing/Centering and Fellowship (7:00-8:00 p.m. EDT)
  • Topic-driven 'pop-up' groups are welcome to gather around shared interests and needs
Registration for the retreat is on a sliding scale, from $185 to $350 USD total, including mailed workshop materials. (We are able to offer Canadian participants a CAD $50.00 subsidy. Please indicate in USD the amount you would like to be invoiced and PayPal will make this conversion.) Consider how many sessions you plan to participate in, then pay what is generous and affordable with gratitude for the time and skill of our presenters.

Registration is limited to 35 people, so fill out the Google registration form to let us know you're planning to attend.

Limited scholarships are available. Please contact Charlotte Moroz at [email protected] or (929) 266-4662 to learn more or if you have any questions.
October 12, 2020 at 1:00pm - October 14, 2020
via Zoom
Charlotte Moroz · · 929-266-4662

Music that Makes Community
304 Bond Street * Brooklyn, NY 11231

[email protected]
(612) 204-2235