“Stories of Faith in Action”
Across the ELCA we are connected through the stories we tell, the stories we hear and the stories we experience in ministry among one another. “Stories of Faith in Action” features vital ministries made possible by the generous Mission Support shared by ELCA congregations. This Mission Support is available because of the faith-filled regular offerings that individuals give to their congregations. Learn about leaders who step out in faith to try something new, and people who open their arms and their hearts to meet people in new places. Read "Stories of Faith in Action."
Living Lutheran: “Living Out the Gospel in Tangible Ways”
“According to the U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development, ‘on any given night, more than half a million people sleep in shelters and unsheltered places not meant for human habitation, such as cars and encampments.’” In the lead feature from the March-April issue of Living Lutheran, read how God’s people around the country are raising awareness of this crisis, providing safe places to sleep, serving meals, creating welcoming environments, and more. Download the study guide.
Rostered Ministers Gathering: Register soon for best rate!
All rostered ministers in the ELCA are invited to join colleagues July 17-20 in Phoenix, Ariz., for the Rostered Ministers Gathering. Organized around the theme "Rekindle the Gift Within You," this event is an opportunity for you to remember, reclaim and revive yourself. The event website offers a schedule, information on presenters and answers to frequently asked questions. Early registration will close March 31, and online registration will close July 1. Learn more and register today!
ELCA bishops celebrate our women leaders
In observance of International Women’s Day, ELCA Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton; the Rev. Patricia Davenport, bishop of the ELCA Southeastern Pennsylvania Synod; and the Rev. Brenda Bos, bishop of the ELCA Southwest California Synod, celebrate and recognize women leaders in our global Lutheran community.




Congregational Experiments Workbook
Designed to facilitate ministry innovation, the Congregational Experiments Workbook helps us discern how God is calling us to do a new thing in our world.
Report: 50 years of women’s ordination
This report includes information about how women understand their ministry and about their opportunities and obstacles. It highlights how white women, women of color, white men and men of color experience ministry differently.
Ukraine Anniversary Report — Lutheran Disaster Response
One year ago the world watched in horror as Russia invaded Ukraine. Since then, Lutheran Disaster Response and its partners in Eastern Europe have welcomed countless refugees and provided humanitarian support in eight countries. Read stories of impact in the anniversary report.
These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.
A study on civic life and faith
The ELCA Task Force on Studies for Civic Life and Faith has released a six-session study about government, democracy and how Christians are called to participate in civic life. After each session, participants are asked to give feedback on the content — by Oct. 15 — to help the task force write a draft social statement. Learn more.
“3 Steps to Get Ready for Easter” with Vanco
Easter is an important time for churches — is yours ready for it? Church attendance soars during the Easter season, a great chance to boost giving and engagement. Know the importance of telling your story, engaging members and visitors with your website, and making it easy to give.
Join Vanco’s upcoming webinar “3 Steps to Get Ready for Easter” on Thursday, March 23, to prepare your church to drive generous giving this Easter. Save your seat today by clicking here!
Lutherans Restoring Creation worship service
All are welcome to join and share a creation-focused worship service offered by Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC). We celebrate Earth Day and pray with others from across the nation. The Rev. R. Guy Erwin, president of United Lutheran Seminary, will provide a sermon based on the lectionary readings for April 23. All components of this full, noncommunion service will be available for download by April 9 for congregations who register ahead of time at bit.ly/2023LRCEarthDay. The service will also premiere on YouTube at 9 a.m. Eastern on April 22 — be sure to subscribe to LRC’s channel.
Preparing for a building project?
If your congregation is preparing for building repairs, renovations or new construction, the Mission Investment Fund of the ELCA (MIF) is here to partner with you. As a source of financing and expertise, MIF provides support every step of the way, bringing:
- Decades of experience. MIF is different from your average lending institution. As a ministry of the ELCA, it understands your needs.
- Competitive rates. In addition to competitive interest rates, MIF charges no points or loan-origination fees.
- Faithful stewardship. When you work with MIF, you help fund loans to other ministries of this church.
Ready to explore your options? Let us help.

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