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Join the Truth and Healing Movement

Join the Truth and Healing Movement

The ELCA has launched its participation in the Truth and Healing Movement, an initiative to increase the church's understanding of the impacts of colonization on Indigenous people in past generations and in the present. Areas of focus will include: development of an appropriate settler narrative from a Lutheran perspective; encouraging the ritual practice of land acknowledgement; understanding Lutheran participation in Indian boarding schools; and supporting communities impacted by the ongoing crisis of murdered and missing Indigenous women and girls. The movement commits this church to building and strengthening right relationships with our Indigenous neighbors. Learn more.

Living Lutheran: “I’m a Lutheran: Dixie Downes”

"To me, grace is knowing that I am accepted by God just the way I am and that he provides for my every need." In the March-April issue of Living Lutheran, Dixie Downes talks about what her work with Lutheran Social Services of Illinois has taught her, what she prays and hopes for, and what her church means to her.

Read more in this “I’m a Lutheran” column.

I’m a Lutheran: Dixie Downes
40 Days of Giving

Rostered Ministers Gathering: Early registration extended!

All rostered ministers in the ELCA are invited to join colleagues July 17-20 in Phoenix, Ariz., for the Rostered Ministers Gathering. With the theme "Rekindle the Gift Within You," this event is an opportunity for you to remember, reclaim, rekindle and revive yourself. Check out the Rostered Ministers Gathering website for the event schedule, presenters, workshop offerings, scholarships and frequently asked questions. Early registration will close April 21, and online registration will close July 1.

Learn more and register today!



Truth and Healing Movement | Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton

Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton announces the ELCA’s participation in the Truth and Healing Movement. Over the next several months the movement will provide the church with an opportunity to increase its understanding of its colonizing impact on Indigenous people in the past and present.

Seeds Video


Farm Bill Listening Sessions
ELCA Advocacy

Rostered Ministers Gathering
Early registration deadline

Truth and Healing Movement
Class: “Indian 101”

“God’s work. Our hands.” Sunday
Day of service



Resource 1

Resource 2


Caring for Creation

As stewards of this world, we are called to care for the earth and examine our behavior toward creation. This Earth Day, browse ELCA resources related to climate justice and creation care.

Living Lutheran E-Digest

Subscribe to Living Lutheran’s free e-digest for personalized stories weekly, biweekly or monthly. Choose what types of stories you’d like to receive, and get the latest and most popular Living Lutheran stories delivered right to your inbox.

“Stories of Faith in Action”

Across the ELCA we are connected through the stories we tell, the stories we hear and the stories we experience in ministry among one another. “Stories of Faith in Action” features vital ministries made possible by the generous Mission Support shared by ELCA congregations.






These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.

ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions

The U.S. Congress is working to draft a new, five-year farm bill, legislation critical to addressing hunger in the United States and around the world. The farm bill covers federal nutrition programs such as the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) and Women, Infants, and Children (WIC). The ELCA Farm Bill Listening Sessions are virtual gatherings where ministry leaders, members of congregations, and those with valuable lived experience provide input to inform Farm Bill advocacy. Our faith-centered perspectives will advance priorities toward a just world where all are fed. Join a session at blogs.elca.org/advocacy/elca-farm-bill-listening-sessions/.

Lutherans Restoring Creation worship service

On Earth Day, April 23, all are welcome to join a creation-focused worship service offered by Lutherans Restoring Creation (LRC). The Rev. R. Guy Erwin, president of United Lutheran Seminary, will preach a sermon based on the lectionary readings for that day. All components of this full, noncommunion service may be downloaded by congregations that register ahead of time at bit.ly/2023LRCEarthDay. The service will also premiere on YouTube on April 22 at 9 a.m. Eastern time — subscribe to LRC’s channel for a reminder.

Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics

Read through new seasonal music, attend workshops, participate in a hymn festival, attend handbell workshops, and more at this year’s Augsburg Fortress free summer music clinics! This year’s clinicians are Anne Krentz Organ and Karen Black. Learn more and sign up at www.augsburgfortress.org/music/summer-music-clinics/. Dates and locations:

  • Columbia, S.C.: July 28-29
  • Minneapolis, Minn.: July 31–Aug. 1
  • Chicago, Ill.: Aug. 4-5
  • Columbus, Ohio: Aug. 7-8
  • Philadelphia, Pa.: Aug. 10-11



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