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Living Lutheran: "When Your Advent Calendar is Broken"
In Living Lutheran's December lead feature, Tim Brown reflects on the human tendency to surround Christmastime with hope and sentimentality and let the holiday become less holy. "John the Baptizer stands up in the middle of our Advent calendars, breaking their silent night, reminding us that hopes and fears are gathered together in Jesus."
He shares the story of his own family's broken advent calendar and how this small flaw reminds him that, even in the serenity of Christmas, there is still some brokenness. Read more and download the study guide.
Shop ELCA Good Gifts this Christmas
Searching for the perfect gift? Shop ELCA Good Gifts and choose from more than 50 life-changing charitable gifts to give in lieu of traditional Christmas presents. ELCA Good Gifts is your opportunity to provide critical support to the ministries and programs that mean the most to you and the people you love. Announce your gift by generating an e-card or downloading cards to print at home. Each gift makes a real impact in the world, sharing the love of Christ — one goat, water well or school uniform at a time.
Browse gifts.
The Christmas Story | Read by Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton
Presiding Bishop Elizabeth Eaton reads the Christmas story from Luke 2:1-20. This is a season of preparation. As we prepare for family gatherings, home-cooked meals and Christ’s birth, let us take a moment to relax, breathe and receive the Christmas story.




"Preaching and Teaching ‘With Love and Respect for the Jewish People’"
This new resource explores challenging topics, lectionary selections and Bible passages to inform Christian preaching and teaching so that they respect the integrity of the Jewish tradition and avoid anti-Jewish interpretations of New Testament texts.
Christmas stories from Living Lutheran
In need of some holiday reading? Check out Christmas stories, reflections, ministries and more from this year and years past at Living Lutheran.
Advent wreath FAQ
What is the Advent wreath and how is it used in worship? In this resource, ELCA Worship answers frequently asked questions about this Advent tradition.
These snippets are available for you to copy and paste into your bulletins.
Register now for the Rostered Ministers Gathering!
Registration for the Rostered Ministers Gathering is now open. All rostered ministers in the ELCA are invited to join colleagues July 17-20 in Phoenix, Ariz., under the theme "Rekindle the Gift Within You." This gathering is an opportunity for you to remember, reclaim, rekindle and revive yourself. Early registration will close March 31, and online registration will close July 1. Learn more at ELCA.org/rmg.
New grant opportunity with ELCA Disability Ministries
Congregations and ministries seeking to prioritize accessibility, inclusion, participation and leadership of people with disabilities can now apply for grant funding through ELCA Disability Ministries. Applicants for this grant can be congregations, synods or other ELCA organizations. The grant application will close on Feb. 15. Additional details including how to apply are available at blogs.elca.org/disabilityministries/.
Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023
The theme for the Week of Prayer for Christian Unity 2023 is "Do Good; Seek Justice" (Isaiah 1:17). The theme was chosen, and the materials prepared, by the Minnesota Council of Churches. Resources including posters, bulletin covers and daily Scripture and prayer guides can be ordered from the Graymoor Ecumenical & Interreligious Institute. You can also access a detailed resource to aid preparations, published jointly by the Pontifical Council for Promoting Christian Unity and the Faith and Order Commission of the World Council of Churches.
Music Sale by Augsburg Fortress
Get 15% off select choral and instrumental pieces from Augsburg Fortress, now through Dec. 31, with promo code MUSIC15. This sale includes over 260 choral pieces and collections, including such favorites as Eugene Hancock's "Unto Us a Child Is Born," the Bach for All Seasons Choirbook and a variety of ChildrenSing volumes. The sale also includes over 140 instrumental pieces and collections, such as Piano Sunday Morning, Star of Promise: Ten Preludes on Advent Hymns and Dancing in the Light of God: A Piano Collection.

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