“For we are what [God] has made us, created in Christ Jesus for good works, which God prepared beforehand to be our way of life” (Ephesians 2:10).
Hurricane Ian made landfall in Florida yesterday with near Category 5-strength winds, dumping record amounts of rain and causing catastrophic flooding. Hurricane Ian bore down through Florida today and is expected to make landfall again in the Carolinas. Early reports indicate the potential for a substantial loss of life. Ian, as predicted, is one of the worst hurricanes to hit the United States in decades.
Gifts to Lutheran Disaster Response make it possible for the ELCA to act quickly after disasters, whenever and wherever they strike. Can disaster survivors count on your support? |
Your generosity has poised Lutheran Disaster Response to be ready for times such as these – and we are equipped to accompany partners and survivors of Hurricane Ian for as long as it takes. For that, we cannot thank you enough.
Along with our partners in the region, we are prepared to respond to Hurricane Ian with immediate relief, including water, clothing, gift cards, tarps and more. Your dollars are also hard at work in communities around the world through Lutheran Disaster Response, including responses to Hurricane Fiona, the drought in the Horn of Africa, the severe storm in Alaska, the war in Ukraine – to name a few.
Such gifts make short- and long-term responses to these crises, including Hurricane Ian, possible. Will you give now in support of Lutheran Disaster Response to accompany disaster survivors on the long road to recovery?
We pray that God’s presence will be felt in the midst of suffering and bring comfort to those who are hurting. Together, we can show our neighbors in Florida and around the world that they are not alone. Thank you.
In Christ’s service,
![Daniel Rift](https://community.elca.org/view.image?Id=3479)
The Rev. Daniel Rift Director, ELCA World Hunger and Lutheran Disaster Response Fund Evangelical Lutheran Church in America |
Additional Ways to Give
Checks or money orders can be sent to:
Lutheran Disaster Response P.O. Box 1809 Merrifield, VA 22116-8009
Give by phone at 800-638-3522 or online.