Total Inclusion!

Widening the Welcome at ELCA Outdoor Ministries

Sanctuary Denominations

Total Inclusion! Widening the Welcome at ELCA Outdoor Ministries is a collaborative effort of the Evangelical Lutheran Church in America (ELCA) churchwide organization and the Lutheran Outdoor Ministries network (LOM). Total Inclusion! is an opportunity to inspire, educate and provide resources to LOM organizations as they move toward a wider and more intentional inclusion of people who historically have been marginalized in the church — especially people of color, people with disabilities and people who are LGBTQIA+. 

Total Inclusion! Videos

Total Inclusion! Resources

Please explore the resources below to learn more about this initiative and how your ministry can become more welcoming and inclusive.

Eliminate barriers and embrace inclusion in the context of camp, church and similar settings.

Including People of Color

Including People Who Identify as LGBTQIA+

Including People Living with Disabilities

General Inclusion Resources

Resources for talking about inclusion, bias, disabilities, race, ethnicity, sexual orientation, and gender identity and expression.

General Language and Terminology Guides

Language and Terminology Around Disabilities

Language and Terminology Around Race

Language and Terminology Around Sexual Orientation and Gender Identity and Expression

Intentional welcome and inclusivity is a stated priority for the ELCA, as expressed in our strategic framework, ELCA Future Directions 2025. Through the five goals outlined in this framework, the church has committed to equipping church members to confront racism, discrimination, sexism, homophobia and other divisions; providing an authentic welcome to all; and embracing differences as opportunities to learn about and appreciate God’s beloved and diverse creation. Total Inclusion! is a step on our journey to becoming the church God is calling us to be.